Advanced FUE Hair Transplant
Solutions in Beverly Hills

With Dr. Katzen and his Advanced FUE device, you are in excellent hands.

Dr. Timothy Katzen

Dr. Timothy Katzen

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4.9 Rating

5/5 Rating

Board-Certified Surgeon

Award-winning and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. J. Timothy Katzen is proud to offer a comprehensive range of aesthetic procedures to women and men at his esteemed facilities in Beverly Hills, CA and Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Katzen cares deeply for each of his charges and actively involves them in the decision-making process of their personalized surgical treatment plans. This is to ensure that their unique concerns are addressed and goals met.

Dr. Katzen received his Bachelor of Science in biology from Duke University. After completing his undergraduate education, he went on to attend the Medical College of Virginia where he earned his medical degree. Dr. Katzen then underwent a decade of advanced training in both general and plastic surgery.

Dr. Katzen believes that every man, woman, and child should have access to tools that can allow them to live healthier lives. In an effort to give back to his communities, he actively invests his free time to work with a number of non-profit organizations, including Obesity Help, the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of American, and the Obesity Action Coalition.

Why People Choose Dr. Timothy Katzen

An established cosmetic surgeon with 20+ years of aesthetic experience.

An established cosmetic surgeon with 20+ years of aesthetic experience.

Award-winning and board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, CA.

Award-winning and board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, CA.

Since 2000, he has performed thousands of aesthetic procedures.

Since 2000, he has performed thousands of aesthetic procedures.

The New Advanced FUE System

Dr. Timothy Katzen offers the most advanced hair restoration technology available today: the new Advanced FUE hair restoration system. This FDA-cleared technology delivers permanent and natural-looking hair restoration with minimal downtime.

Dr. Katzen's device presents many advantages over other hair restoration methods. Mayor advantages include no scarring, as well as less bleeding and complications than with the traditional “strip” method.

There are fewer limitations on activities for the first few weeks as with the traditional “strip” hair transplant surgery. The patient will not feel that the scalp is too tight from the suturing and there is less numbness in the area treated.

The new system transplant technique provides a fast, natural, effective and safe way for many people suffering from hair loss to regain their hair and their confidence. It is a clinically-proven solution that delivers permanent, natural results without staples, stitches, linear scarring, or damage to your existing hair.

  • Lifetime results
  • Minimally invasive
  • Virtually pain-free
  • No scalpel and no stitches
  • No linear scar
  • Fast recovery

Top 3 Frequently Asked Questions

Does a FUE procedure hurt?

Our hair transplant is an outpatient procedure that requires only a local anesthetic. During the procedure, you will feel virtually no pain. Although you may feel a little bit of discomfort and swelling following your procedure, these symptoms should go away in 1 to 3 days.

Is this procedure permanent?

Yes. The procedure takes permanent hair from the sides and back of your head and transplants it into areas where your hair has thinned out. Because the hair is taken from areas of the head that are not typically affected by male pattern baldness, it lasts permanently after being transplanted.

Will people notice my hair restoration procedure?

Since any scarring resulting from the procedure is insignificant and the new hair grows in gradually, it is less likely that people will know you had a hair restoration procedure. If anything, they will probably just notice that you look much better!

Your Confidence Restored.